Most of my clients, whether they realize it or not, are empaths. If you’re wondering if you might be one, too, here’s a quick checklist.
-You are able to read other people without particularly trying.
-You can instantly sense the mood of a room as soon as you enter it, even if no one is speaking.
-You are very impressionable and susceptible to other people’s moods.
-You frequently develop fleeting and unexplained physical sensations from interacting with others.
-You accurately know what another person wants or needs, even without them articulating it.
-You often feel emotionally exhausted, even when your days don’t seem outwardly stressful.
This is not an exhaustive list, and every empath’s experience varies a bit, but these tend to be some of the core experiences my clients mention. Knowing that you’re not crazy and are not alone in feeling this way is the first step. Understanding why this trait developed, and how to transform it from feeling like a drain, into a superpower, is completely possible and will unlock enormous potential.
To learn more about the empath experience, follow me on Youtube at CoachMeredith or Instagram @coach.meredith.