Today we’re on to part 8 of our series on the most common “cognitive distortions,” or thinking errors. This is the second-to-last installment before we wrap up this series. Cognitive distortion #8 is… “Should” statements What it is: At its core, the “should statements” cognitive distortion revolves around rigid expectations and self-imposed standards we place […]
Today we’re on to part 7 of our series on the most common “cognitive distortions,” or thinking errors. Cognitive distortion #7 is… Personalization What it is: Personalization is a cognitive distortion that involves taking things personally, even when they have nothing to do with you. It assumes that everything others say or do is a […]
Self-criticism is my native tongue. It was the default language of my brain. The grammar and syntax of self-criticism comes to me effortlessly, with scathingly precise vocabulary. The notion of being gentler with myself just didn’t compute for the longest time. I knew it was something I should do, but it was like being asked […]